What'll Ya Have?
-Miss Raenell, The Varsity, Atlanta
Since we were kids, we’ve been enjoying the simplicity of The Varsity, a local fast food establishment here in Atlanta. It is an institution built on one simple concept - What’ll Ya Have?
At Bold & Dash, we are in the business of delivering top-notch creative focused mainly towards millenials and teens. We build ideas to conquer business challenges. Here's a core menu of our proven favorites - but give us a call and we will build you a custom approach.
Our Menu
Creative Culture - Creative culture is changing daily. MySpace was out, Facebook was in. Is it Snap Chat, or Vine? Twitter? Can you tweet about a feeling? If you are not in the know of how to creatively layer your attack, from media to real interaction, you will be left behind. Let us develop a custom attack that will present amazing creative with emphasis on your numbers.
Trending - You need to reach the movers and shakers of the teen girl market? Through our contacts, we can access over 150,000 high school trendsetters. No one in the country can do what we do in this particular market, and we can apply this same insight to your business. Trends are trending because we make them trend.
Millennial Corralling - So you have a millennial target, but you can’t reach them. We have developed proven ways to get in front of the of the millennial scene. We know where the food trucks will be first. We know about the pop-up restaurants before they pop. We know that the millennial mom will need to share in virtually every decision in her daughter's life. We can reach her. That’s our job, and we're really good at it.
Real-Time Ideas- Consumers are being visually assaulted over 20,000 times a day. Why should they remember your message, your product? We will find the reason they should forget the 19,999 other images, and focus on yours. We will sing your message. We will tap-dance your message. We will scare people into remembering your message. Anything to transfer the information in a creative way.
Naming and Framing – Basically, what you name a problem, and how you frame it, can radically change how you feel about it, and how you work on solving it. We at Bold & Dash look at problems differently than most. Has your creative team been working on the same product for more than a year? Chances are, fresh new ideation is not going to suddenly appear. Let us come in and work to rename your problem, and find fresh, creative ways to solve it. In most cases, your in-house team gets to look at your client from an entirely different angle - our angle - which is a good thing.
Web Based Concept Packaging - We’ve all been there. You have one laptop that has your Powerpoint presentation on it, and right in the middle of a pitch, it dies. At Bold & Dash, we build out all of our creative content in a web-based format that can be accessed from any computer or smart phone. Client edits are a snap, and creative is easily shared. In most cases, our buildouts look so amazing, you'll take them directly to client without rehashing the artwork.
Visual Storytelling – One big difference in our capabilities at Bold & Dash is our ability to tell a story off-paper, and offline. When we were called to concept and choreograph for Bowlgames of America, we were responsible for a full half-time show, complete with over 600 dancers. We had to tell a story, entertain a crowd, make for good television, and highlight the various sponsors of each bowl game. This experience puts us in a different league when it comes to telling your story. We go beyond the social media and print to tell your story by any means necessary.